by bross | Jul 10, 2005 | Devotions, II Timothy, John
One of my favorite passages in the entire Bible is John 14. It truly contains so many invaluable messages in it – I just love it so much. Every thought in this chapter speaks to my heart, and I’m sure yours too. In Chapter 14, Jesus is talking with his...
by bross | Jul 10, 2005 | Devotions, John
One of my favorite passages in the entire Bible is John 14. It truly contains so many invaluable messages in it – I just love it so much. Every thought in this chapter speaks to my heart, and I’m sure yours too. In Chapter 14, Jesus is talking with his...
by bross | Jun 26, 2005 | Devotions, Hebrews, Psalms
Recently I stumbled across a verse that has really spoken to my heart. Oftentimes I – and probably you too – find a verse that I am truly blessed by that is primarily meant to mean one thing, but to me, it has a completely different meaning. This is the...
by bross | Jun 12, 2005 | Devotions, I Timothy
God is such a great God, isn’t He? For each of us who is a Christian, He is our everything. We are so blessed to have the Savior of the Universe care so much about our everyday human lives. He is so much to us – just look at this short list below. I could...
by bross | May 22, 2005 | Devotions, Proverbs
It seems we hear about bad news constantly. Whether it’s on the news or from our friends and neighbors, we learn about tough times our loved ones or even strangers are going through. This has been a tough day for our community. We have experienced a tragedy of...