Peace In God

November 2, 2003

I recently came across a Bible verse that has really spoken to my heart. It’s one of those verses that I’ve probably read over time and time again, but it seems to have a special, new meaning to me at this point in my life. I hope it encourages you as it continues to inspire me each day.

James 3:17-18: But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

When I was younger I earned a nickname: “the peacemaker.” I presume this is due to having a calm nature and always trying to solve problems without creating more. I’m sure I don’t always live up to this nickname, but there is one I know who does. His name is Jesus. The verses above speak for themselves. These truly are the traits of God. He has wisdom beyond compare. He’s gentle and merciful. He loves us so much and doesn’t compare us to others (so why should we? But that’s another devotion entirely!). The Lord is peaceful. You know when you’re gazing out at the ocean and this sense of peace and joy seems to just overtake you? That’s what happens when I think about the perfect peacemaker: my Lord.

I challenge you to make these verses a staple in your daily devotions and praises to God. Watch your countenance grow calmer and much more peaceful as these words remain on the forefront of your mind and heart. You will have countless peaceable moments when you become a “peacemaker” just like your Father in Heaven.

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